"Hello World"... I think that is what I am supposed to say here.
This is the first post on my new website, built on AWS (using EC2, CodeDeploy, CodePipelines, CodeCommit, RDS) using a new PHP MVC "framework" I built.
Things I still need to do on this site:
- Improve the CSS to better support mobile
- Rip off less of the CSS of another website
- Choose between either 1st person, or 3rd person in my writing (Dave uses both)
- Figure out what I am going to blog about
Make the body text readable (Black header, with grey body, not super readable)
Make editing of blog posts possible without manually deleting the DB entry for the post
Figure out why my overly aggressive SQL injection protection is not allowing me to add single quotes in posts it's fixed now.
Add support for strikethrough to markdown parser
Ideas for what I am going to blog about:
- Recipes for some of my famous dishes (Breakfast Ramen, Breakfast Pizzas, Steak cooking styles)
- The worlds best tshirts
- Developing a personal uniform (wearing the same attire day after day)
- Technology
- Creating lists
- Liam Neeson movies
- Longmire and Hell On Wheels TV shows
- A combination of all the above
Why did I create this blog?
This is the 3rd or 4th blog I have created. I created a blog way back in the day on Blogger.com, then moved to Wordpress (self hosted). My Wordpress blogs were almost constantly hacked, and at some point it just stopped making sense to try to unhack them given the amount of time I was spending unhacking. Figured I could build a better, more secure blogging engine/CMS myself. We will see if that holds true.
Thursday, April 6 2017